Feb 21, 2019
Presenting KRVC's work on the Broadway commercial corridor at the Marble Hill Town Hall

On February 21st 2019, KRVC’s Marble Hill Project Director Camelia Tepelus (SBS Fellow) presented an overview of our work to improve the Marble Hill commercial corridor at the Marble Hill Town Hall held at St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church at 146 W 228th Street.
The meeting was organized by the office of the Congressman... read more
Aug 15, 2016
Great Coverage for KRVC's Jobs Program

Thank you Senator Klein for this great coverage of our new jobs program!
Sep 20, 2013
Promo Event for Our Upcoming Festival

This afternoon, we held a promo event for our upcoming festival in front of Yo Burger on Riverdale Avenue. The promo event offered a "Sneak Preview" of the larger festival, which will take place on Sunday,September 29th. Today, the festival organizers were joined by sponsors from Linda's... read more
Sep 07, 2013
Movie Night in Seton Park

Our movie nights in Seton Park are our flagship movie events. This was our third Movie in Seton Park. The movies in Seton Park have all been very well attended. This one was no exception. A huge crowd turned out to see UP! on our new 20 foot screen, which we were able to purchase because of a generous grant... read more
Sep 02, 2013
Happy Labor Day! Check out our new Website!
KRVC is pleased to announce the "soft" launch of our new website! This beautiful, state-of-the-art site was made possible via a grant from the NYC Small Business Services. The site was created for us by Vanguard Direct, a leader in website design... read more
Aug 11, 2013
Biz Booster at Bedrock Preschool

On August 11th, KRVC organized a Biz Booster for Bedrock Preschool. The school held an Open House Carnival, which featured many great attractions. KRVC hired a clown, Dawn Jones, for the day and helped promote the event. KRVC also organized "Story time with our State Legislators." State Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblyman Jeff... read more