Thanks to funding from State Senator Jeff Klein and Councilmember Andrew Cohen, KRVC is embarking on a Kingsbridge/Broadway Beautification Project.
We launched the project in November 2016 with a very successful Kingsbridge Community Walk which was covered by News 12, BronxNet and featured in the Riverdale Press.
The project is a follow up to the report released in September 2015 by the Bronx Borough President's Office, our local elected officials and Community Board 8. Click here for details.
Currently, KRVC is conducting a block-by-block detailed survey of the Kingsbridge Commercial Corridor and a merchant survey, the results of which will be compiled into a report that will be released in early April 2017. After that, KRVC will work with community leaders and other stakeholders to finalize recommendations for the corridor and work with city agencies to request and implement amenities and improvements.
In addition, in the spring of 2017, KRVC will use some of the funds allocated by Senator Klein and Councilmember Cohen on our own beautification projects such as the tree pit plantings we do in Riverdale.
Anyone interested in participating in the survey, offering feedback to be included in the report or with contacts to city agencies or other entities that could be of help for this project should contact the project coordinator, Shari Hall at sharikrvc@gmail.com.