City Council Discretionary Funding Grant - We are grateful to Councilmember Andrew Cohen for a $15,000 allocation so that KRVC can produce a "Meet the Riverdale Merchants" movie similar to the one we produced last year in Woodlawn:
We plan to begin the production of the Riverdale movie soon and premiere it at our 2015 Summer Movie Series.
Small Business Services Marble Hill Merchant Organizing Grant - We are also pleased to receive a $25,000 Merchant Organizing Grant for Marble Hill from SBS. With these funds, we will hold merchant meetings, begin to form the infrastructure for a Marble Hill Merchants Association, compile an online directory of the Marble Hill businesses on our SBS-funded website and more. KRVC received funding for our merchant organizing work in Woodlawn and for our website from SBS in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
New York State State Senate Funding - KRVC is also appreciative for a very substantial allocation made possible by State Senator Jeff Klein. These funds will be used to support a range of work including river access initiatives and events, local hiring programs, energy efficiency projects and more. KRVC has received other funding allocations from Senator Klein including a $100,000 capital grant in 2012-2013 so we could purchase our movie screen, tents, video equipment and more for our events and a substantial program grant in 2013-2014.
While all this funding is essential for KRVC to continue our day-to-day operations, we still rely on individual, business and corporate donations to support our events.