NYC Council Member Andrew Cohen
NYC Council Member G. Oliver Koppell
About our Grants - Most of KRVC's grants are from public funds either allocated or supported by our elected officials. However, that is the just the start of a lengthy process. KRVC is assigned to a local or state agency to work through the details. We must first go through an extensive pre-qualification process. Then, we work with the agency to develop a detailed proposal for how the funds will specifically be used. After that, we execute a contract with the agency. Once the contract is executed, the funds are then available for "draw down." This means KRVC must make out-of-pocket expenditures and then apply to the agency for reimbursement under our contract. Each reimbursement application is carefully scrutinized by the agency before payment is issued to reimburse KRVC for our expenditures. This tightly controlled process ensures the funds are used appropriately by KRVC. It can also take months and even years to undergo this process from the time of the allocation of the public funds to the time of the completion of the contract. That is why KRVC relies heavily on private donations from individuals, small businesses and corporations to implement our numerous events, programs and initiatives. Help us out! Please donate!
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