KRVC launched our new Go Green the Bronx program to promote energy efficiency audits throughout our community in a BIG WAY Today! Through a generous grant from Con Edison, KRVC held an Energy Efficiency Forum and breakfast attended by over sixty members of our community representing small businesses, co-op boards, Community Board 8, not-for profits and more.
The Forum Speakers included Elyssa Rothe, Energy Smart Communities Coordinator, NYSERDA; Esteban Vasquez, Con Edison Energy Efficiency Program Manager; and Kate Shackford, BOEDC Executive Vice President.
All guests were entered for FREE in a raffle for a special prize - a $200 gift certificate for the Riverdale Greentree Restaurant! The first 20 guests received a $50 gift certificate from local merchants! All guests
received goody bags with energy efficiency information, Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs and more!
KRVC thanks everyone who attended and otherwise supported the forum including Con Edison, BOEDC, Community Board 8, Grow NYC, NYSERDA, ENAWAC, BronxNet, The Riverdale Press, the Kingsbridge BID, Council Member Cabrera's Office and dozens of community businesses.