~~On July 11, 2018, the KRVC team led by our Beautification Director Nancy Moukas, together with Development Director Shari Hall and Marble Hill Project Director Camelia Tepelus (SBS Fellow), turned two neglected tree pits on 228th Street in Marble Hill into beautiful patches of flowers.
We were joined by business owners Chalan of Lé Chalan Nail Salon (110 W 228th street), and Sally Diaz of Sally Food Corp (125 W228th street), who received watering cans to maintain the flowers and the newly restored tree pits.
KRVC thanks Orlando Kross, leader of the Marble Hill Merchants Association and owner of Flowers by Zenda (5217 Broadway), for providing soil and plants, and for his continued advocacy to improve street cleanliness and to beautify the Marble Hill commercial corridor.