Ana Gonzalez Ribeiro, MBA and Personal Finance Coach, presented a valuable, lively and interesting series of workshops this September on ‘Understanding Your Credit’. In collaboration with the Kingsbridge Branch of the New York Public Library, KRVC hosted these workshops to reach the community on this important topic in both English and Spanish.
The focus of the workshops was understanding credit, how to improve credit, get out of debt, deal with collection agencies, learn about debt consolidation and debt management plans. The workshops were very informative and underscored the vital importance of establishing credit, having good credit, understanding the meaning and impact of credit history and highlighted available resources to address credit concerns and needs. Workshop attendees were engaged, asked many questions and were clearly grateful for the knowledgeable and in-depth responses from Ms. Ribeiro. Additionally, workshop attendees were thankful for the books and written materials that were distributed for their future reference.
In the words of Ms. Ribeiro: ‘The workshop wasn’t only about learning about credit and credit scores. Since one’s credit can be deeply affected by identity theft, I also spoke to the folks at the Kingsbridge library about how to protect themselves and what to do in the case they became a victim. One attendee had in fact been a victim of identity theft and was traumatized by the event. She found my presentation very helpful and stayed afterwards to share how grateful she was that I was able to teach everyone about the different resources available. Many of the attendees also had questions about controlling debt, debt management plans and saving for an emergency fund.
I gave out copies of the book: Financial Advice for Blue Collar Americawhich I helped translate to Spanish: Asesoramiento Financiero para la Clase Trabajadora de los Estados Unidos.
This book is a great resource for anyone who is looking to improve and learn more about their personal finances. It explains the various forms of insurance that exist, how to navigate through budgeting, learning how to handle debt, learning about wills and estate planning, investment products, college and technical school planning, retirement and many more insightful topics’.
KRVC looks forward to holding future workshops on a variety of finance-related topics. As always, workshops and materials provided at the workshops are free.