KRVC's Executive Director, Tracy, testified at a hearing held by the New York City Parks and Recreation Commission about bringing the Van Cortlandt Park Ice Rink to our community. Ms. Shelton attended the event with Tony Cassino, President of the Board of Directors of the Van Cortland Park Conservancy. Ms. Shelton brought some of the 400 postcards here organization collected in support of the rink and delivered the following testimony:
"Good afternoon. My name is Tracy Shelton and I am the Executive Director of the Kingsbridge-Riverdale-Van Cortlandt Development Corp./KRVC. As the Executive Director of KRVC, I have formed close ties with many area merchants. I and they believe the rink will be a big boost for businesses. The possibilities are endless from rink markets to coupons to advertising circulars and more. That is why the rink is supported by members of the North Riverdale Merchants Association, the Kingsbridge BID and the Woodlawn Heights Merchants Association.
In addition, since the rink was first announced, I have been having conversations with community members about the rink and the feedback has been almost entirely supportive, positive and enthusiastic about the prospect of having a rink in our community. When we heard about the recent CB 8 hearing and this hearing, KRVC wanted to demonstrate that support for the rink for the hearings. We knew all the rink supporters would not be able to attend the hearings in person so we started a postcard drive. We ended up with “postcard bouquets” representing the voices of more than 400 rink supporters.
On behalf of all the business owners, children and other community members who are looking forward to having the rink in our community, I want to thank everyone who has worked so hard to the put the proposal, plans, funding, etc. together to make this happen. I know it has been hours and hours of work and our community is very appreciative."