Our 2017 Greenway Gala was a wonderfully successful event. So many of our community members turned out to support KRVC and the work we are doing, and to honor three of our community leaders. The evening began with a cocktail hour in the solarium at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale where the guests were treated to a beautiful sunset over the Hudson River. The dinner included a program that started with introductions and opening remarks by Dan Reingold, the Executive Director of the Hebrew Home and State Senator Jeff Klein. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz presented an award to our honoree Robert Rubinstein. Councilman Andrew Cohen presented an award to Mindy Ramos with the 50th Precinct. And Eliot Engel presented our award to Terhi Edwards of Douglas Elliman Real Estate. Our master of ceremonies Eric Dinowitz did an amazing job. Cliff Stanton, our Greenway Director, spoke about the progress of our Greenway initiative. We welcomed four new Board members, Terhi Edwards, Mego Gojka, Betty Campbell-Adams, and Orlando Kross. The program also featured two videos produced by Ari Oshinsky that really showcased the work of KRVC over the past year. The Eric Alexander Quartet entertained us all evening. We are tremendously grateful to all our sponsors who attended, and very proud to be a part of this community. Thank you to the Hebrew Home for helping us to make this such a beautiful evening and to Arnie Adler for taking the beautiful photographs featured on this page.