We were so delighted to have photographer Sandra Ayala's exhibit "Beautiful Innocence" at Gallery 505 from May 20th through June 28th. On June 2nd we held an opening reception in the afternoon, featuring live music with Tamuz Nissim and George Nazos. It was a beautiful Sunday as community members came in to see Sandra's work and to enjoy the music and back garden.
In 2008, Sandra was working at very stressful nursing job that was adding overwhelming anxiety to her life. While watching tv one day she came across a nikon d90 commercial featuring Ashton Kutcher and so it began. Sandra jokingly asked her husband to get it as a Christmas gift and when he did a new story began. It was an instant connection and she craved that creative part of her that wanted to manifest. Constructing one of a kind stories became her style, her mind soared and these scenes would appear bathed in highly saturated colors, tones and textures. Sandra was born and raised in the South Bronx to Puerto Rican parents. She is self-taught and continues to acquire knowledge by practicing her art as often as possible. Her work has shown at Rush Art Gallery, as part of the Armory Show at the Bronx Museum for the Arts, and at the Edgar Allan Poe visitors center to name a few. For more info about her work go to SandraAyalaPhoto.com
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.