Dual Fuel Corp. helps its customers save money on rising fuel costs. They offer a selection of intelligent and unique services including:
Oil to Gas Conversions - With the rising costs of oil, many building owners are exploring their options of an oil-to-gas conversion for the heating of their facilities. DualFuel Corporation helps businesses make educated decisions based on their energy needs. If the decision is made to use natural gas, you can be assured that it will be exceedingly dependable. Natural gas is more affordable and it produces fewer emissions of sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen than oil, and subsequently leaves nearly no ash particles.
Compressed Natural Gas - Let Dual Fuel show you how converting your fleet to CNG can save your company thousands of dollars in fuel costs and reduce the impact on the environment.
Cogeneration - Cogeneration is the production of two types of energy at a single plant. Most commonly, a plant produces both electricity and steam or hot water. Ideally, the plant can use the steam or hot water to maximize efficiency.
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